小倉マユコ Mayuko Ogura
2005年 東京大学文学部卒業 (心理学専修課程)
2005年~サントリー株式会社 飲料の商品企画を担当
2008年 会社員をする傍ら、東京デザイン専門学校グラフィックデザイン講座修了
2009年 独立後、同専門学校イラストレーションコース修了
イラストレーターズ通信 会員
フリーランス協会 会員
アナログ : 透明水彩/アクリル絵具
デジタル : Photoshop CS4/Illustrator CS4 Windows10
Mayuko Ogura
Illustrator based in Tokyo, Japan
I’m mainly working on illustrations for book covers, magazines, advertisements,
postcards with vivid color and touches that make the most of water color texture.
[ Background ]
2005 Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature ( Major in Psychology )
2005- Assigned to the Product Planning Division of Drink at Suntory Holdings Limited
2008 Finished Graphic Design Course in Tokyo Design Academy while working for the company
2009 Finished Illustration Course in Tokyo Design Academy after leaving the company
2010- Currently working as a freelance illustrator
Member of Illustrators Tsushin
Illustrator introduced on ’ illustration FILE ’ and ’ illustration FILE Web ’powered by Genkosha
[ Drawing Materials ]
water color/ colored pencil/ Photoshop CS4/ Illustrator CS4
[ Derivery Form ]
Both analog and digital ( psd/ jpeg etc.) are fine.